Staycation Vacation

I am notorious for taking vacations and staying home. For the past three years I’ve used every day of relaxing time to work on my house. I try to do so much myself to first save money, but second learn and gain experience. I enjoy trying new things and putting myself to the test ofContinue reading “Staycation Vacation”

Little Improvements

I haven’t posted anything in awhile because not one room is complete. I moved in December 18th and while work is slowly happening around the first floor, no major projects have happened. Oh except more plumbing! I had to have my old sewer line replaced (it looked like Swiss cheese). So since December, trim workContinue reading “Little Improvements”

The Doors

While all the drywall muding, sanding, and priming is going on, I’ve been working on my doors. I’ve got 10 doors that need to be stripped, sanded, and repainted before they can be hung. It has been a chore stripping these doors. Most of them have layers of paint on them. Some only have stain.Continue reading “The Doors”